prairie dogs in field

When you hear the phrase domesticated animals, you probably automatically think of cats or dogs. But, what about fennec foxes, prairie dogs, pigs, sugar gliders, and even skunks? Although it’s not very common, each of these animals can also be domesticated. More and more people are opting out of getting a traditional pet and deciding to add a more unusual addition to their family.

Before you decide to become an owner of one of these animals, it’s important that you take into consideration the special care it will need compared to other, more typical pets. You will also need to review your state’s laws and regulations to make sure that it is legal to own one of these animals. Select one of the articles below to find out more about the options you have for domesticated animals as well as what they eat, what type of habitat they need, and more.

  • LabraDoodle

    They are all the rage across the United States and beyond. Cross-breed dogs such as cock-a-poos have been around for many years, while newer crosses, such as labradoodles and puggles have just begun to become popular. So, are these dogs a new "hot" breed or just a designer mutt? The current rage

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  • How Pet Food Is Made

    Many pet owners are just as concerned about what goes into their pet's food as they are about their own food. With so many brands out there, how can a concerned pet lover know that they are feeding the best? How can we know what is going into our friends' diets? With the health of their pets on

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  • Helping Your Pet Keep His Cool This Summer

    Hot dogs may be a popular summertime treat for baseball fans and backyard cookouts, but allowing our canine friends to overheat is a potential fatal disaster! Keeping our pets cool as the temperatures heat up doesn't have to be a challenge if you keep a few easy facts in mind. Dogs don't sweat

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  • Avoiding Dog Bites

    Each year almost 5 million dog bites are reported across North America and it is a rare evening on the nightly news when a dog attack is not reported. Yet, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, veterinarians and their staff make up a very small percentage of those bites in spite of their obvious

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  • Veterinary Ophthalmology

    It's been said that "eyes are the windows to the soul" and certainly when you look into the eyes of your beloved pets, you can see the affection and loyalty reflected there. Unfortunately, some owners look deep into their pet's eyes and see problems. When your pet's vision is at stake, veterinary ophthalmologists

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  • Senior Pets

    Pets are living longer thanks to advances in veterinary care, diagnostics, and earlier intervention. But the key to enjoying our "senior" pets lies not only in extending their life span, but in helping them enjoy their later years to the fullest. Like people, dogs and cats are prone to debilitating

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  • Itching Pets

    It's a common occurrence: Pet owners expressing feelings of frustration, helplessness and even despair from a single symptom. Their pets itch and scratch, itch and scratch — and it is not a flea problem! Although this may not seem like a big deal, these owners suffer through sleepless nights as their

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  • High Blood Pressure in Dogs

    Most dog owners would admit a lack of knowledge or perhaps even a lack of concern about canine hypertension, or high blood pressure in dogs. After all, since they don't have the same vices as we do, they shouldn't be at risk, right? Well, the answer may be a little more complex than just life style choices. One

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  • Generic Flea Products

    For almost two decades, safe, effective flea medications from your veterinarian have helped pet owners battle these blood-sucking parasites. Now, several "generic" flea medications are flooding the market, showing up in big box stores and grocery stores across the country. Will these cheaper medications

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  • Feline Retro Viruses

    Retro is a word usually bringing warm and fuzzy feelings of nostalgia. But for the more than 80 million cats living in North America, the word retro is anything but warm and fuzzy. Retroviruses like Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) can be devastating to your cat. More

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  • Down & Dirty on Fleas

    Many of us enjoy snuggling close to our pets and despite misguided news reports detailing health risks, most of us will continue to do so. But, there is a risk of sleeping with pets and it has to do with diseases carried by our old enemy, the flea. So, what's the best way to shut down this annual pest?

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  • Dental Care For Pets

    Dental care of dogs and cats is one of the most commonly overlooked areas of pet health care. Approximately 80% of all dogs and cats have periodontal disease by the time they are only two years old. Dental disease affects much more than fresh breath. It frequently leads to more serious health problems

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  • Controlling Ticks

    To most pet owners, the return of spring is a joyous occasion. The opportunity to spend quality time with your pet outdoors can be an exhilarating experience. Just be sure to watch out for some sneaky critters waiting to feast on your pet's blood! Everyone is well aware of the irritation that

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  • Understanding Pet Behavior

    Because our pets can not raise their paws and tell us when something is wrong, we as owners need to know what to watch for to know when our pet is ill. The Dog Scoot Boogie A dog dragging his hind end across the floor is his way of telling you his anal glands are full and need emptying. Anal glands

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  • Three Keys to Successful Potty Training for Your Dog

    Potty training your dog can be easy or difficult...the difference is in how much time and dedication you are willing to put into training. Follow these simple tips to get your puppy on the right path to accident-free living. Set a schedule: Decide on a schedule and stick to it. In a family situation

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  • Ferrets Can Be Furry Family Too

    Fragile Ferrets Entertain Families and Friends Your new family pet will provide you with entertainment and laughs as he or she climbs and crawls through tubes, hoses, boxes, clothing and pipes. Keeping your ferret safe and secure in your home is easy with a bit of advanced planning. Create or

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  • "A great place that focuses on the care of an animal. I switched from another place that charges $50.00 for a yearly checkup. Vaccines are paid for and visit is free here. That bring more people in and it serves the community as a whole. Thanks, Westchester Animal Clinic."
    Tara D. - Porter, IN